Anti Aging / Sensitive Skin
Over time our skin loses an important protein that keeps you looking young. Around 30% of all proteins in the human body are collagen. Collagen production typically begins to decline after the age of 40. Dr.Meso collagen repair system, protects, suports, and restores collagen levels
All my life I have had dry skin. After trying so many creams, I never found a solution to the dryness. After 40 my skin began changing – visibly & frustratingly worse. My Dr. explained that after age 21 we begin to lose 1% collagen per year. Alcohol, tobacco & sun speed this up another 3% per year. The problem was clear. I searched and searched, and without fillers, Dr.Meso offered the best natural collagen rebuilding & hydrating solution - especially the DR.MESO Night hydrating gel. - Sara H. (North York, ON)